Student Papers
This topics are proposals. You are welcome to discuss your own ideas.RoboCup – World Modeling
Responsible: Martin Richter
Since 1997 the RoboCup (Robot Soccer World Cup) is held, where different teams of researchers and students are competing in numerous leagues. A game of robot soccer is always played between two equally sized sets of robots, ranging from five to eleven robots per team. Depending on the league, the game is either simulated or conducted physically with real robots.If the game is played physically, multiple mobile robots perceive their environment through sensors (e.g., recognizing enemy player positions) and influence it through actuators (e.g., kicking the ball), a team of robots is classified as a mobile cyber-physical system. Achieving a consistent view of the environment in cyber-physical systems is of paramount importance, to allow the different execution units to collaborate and tackle common tasks.As a RoboCup team has to decide on which moves to take, the state of the game (e.g., player positions) has to be evaluated continuously. For this, a virtual representation of the real world is required and data has to be exchanged between the robots. Your task will be to review different models, which are concerned with the virtual representation of the real world in the RoboCup.
Start: open
Suitable for: Research seminar, Advanced seminar
Performance Testing of HPC Simulation Software
Responsible: Theresa Werner
FMSolvr is a library for HPC molecular dynamics simulations. Currently, the team of the Supercomputing Center in Jülich, Germany, in cooperation with us is maintaining and extending their code base. In the process a performance analysis shall be conducted. Your task would be implementing and running performance tests for different implementations of the same functionality. Required knowledge: being able to read code written with C++11 or higher.
Start: open
Suitable for: Research project
Test Development for HPC Simulation Software
Responsible: Theresa Werner
FMSolvr is a library for HPC molecular dynamics simulations. Currently, the team of the Supercomputing Center in Jülich, Germany, in cooperation with us is maintaining and extending their code base. For new features, tests are developed together with the simulation code. However, for the existing code, tests need to be written. Your task would be to develop (and implement) tests for operators (funtional parts of the software) and/or data structures used in FMSolvr. Required knowledge: C++11 or higher.
Start: open
Suitable for: Research project
Isabelle / HOL
Responsible: Matthias Werner
The Isabelle/HOL tool is one of the internationally leading tools for proving correctness of computer systems (theorem prover). E.g., the correctness proof of the seL4 kernel was done by the use of Isabelle. For this seminar topic, the student should give a introduction to Isabelle/HOL and the foundation behind, as well as demonstrate its practical usage by verifying a given protocol.
Start: open
Suitable for: Research seminar
Python Runtime on the Base of Forth
Responsible: Matthias Werner
Forth is a syntax-less, very machine-oriented programming language with a bare-metal run-time system (i.e. without OS). The task is to develop an interpreter for Python byte code on top of a Forth system on a embedded board.
Start: open
Suitable for: Masters thesis
Tooling for CSP and Pi-Calculus
Responsible: Theresa Werner
Goal of this work is to gather tooling for the formal modelling with CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) and/or the formal verification with Pi-calculus and to evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Solid knowledge on CSP and Pi-calculus are neither required nor subject of this work; it is a pure research work about the tooling.
Done as Research project
Start: open
Coordination Models and Languages
Responsible: Martin Richter
Coordination languages allow the programmer to describe concurrent and distributed computations through the concept of "coordination".It allows to integrate many possibly heterogeneous components by providing distribution transparency.The set of all components forms a single application in a way, that it can be executed in a distributed and parallel fashion. Papadopoulos and Arbab give an overview of different coordination languages in "Coordination Models and Languages".It will be your task to review the paper and present the different coordination models and languages, what differentiates them, what their benefits and drawbacks are and to present at least one use-case per paradigm.
Done by Markus Meier
Done as Research project
Start: 05.04.2024
Modeling and Analysis of the Babel Routing Protocol
Open-RMF Robot Fleet Management
Adaptive Consistency
RoboCup - Coordination Models
Responsible: Martin Richter
Since 1997 the RoboCup (Robot Soccer World Cup) is held, where different teams of researchers and students are competing in numerous leagues. A game of robot soccer is always played between two equally sized sets of robots, ranging from five to eleven robots per team. Depending on the league, the game is either simulated or conducted physically with real robots.If the game is played physically, multiple mobile robots perceive their environment through sensors (e.g., recognizing enemy player positions) and influence it through actuators (e.g., kicking the ball), a team of robots is classified as a mobile cyber-physical system. Coordination is one of the main challenges for cyber-physical systems, as multiple heterogeneous execution units might have to cooperate to reach a common goal. To ensure a safe and timely operation, the planning of which units fulfill which tasks at which point in time is critical.As a RoboCup team has to be coordinated to conduct complex moves, coordination models are employed. Such models encompass the choice of varying tasks for different robots to reach a common main-goal or possibly multiple sub-goals. Your task will be to review different coordination models, used in the RoboCup.
Done by Leon Rollenhagen
Done as Advanced seminar
Start: 01.12.2023
End: 27.02.2024
Test Objectives in DO-178C
Identifying the different test objectives in DO-s178C standard, categorising them and compare the given toolchain regarding its coverage
Done by Reema Thakur
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 14.06.2017
End: 20.11.2017
Reference implementation of DiAO
Responsible: Peter Tröger
Distributed Active Object (DiAO) is a concept to support application execution in distributed mobile systems. A middleware as well as a proof-of-concept application are to implement.
Done by Martin Richter
Done as Bachelor thesis
Start: 01.04.2017
End: 10.11.2017
Framework for Simulation and Performance Analysis of Clock Synchronization Algorithms
Responsible: Jafar Akhundov
The task is to create a framework for simulation and performance analysis of diverse clock synchronization algorithms. Implementation language/tool is irrelevant. To achieve this distributed systems must be parametrized with respect to clock synchronization. As a basis an existing master thesis can be used. The context and big goal of the work is to automatically generate synchronization modules for parametrized spacecraft systems.
Done by Leander Herr
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 20.03.2016
End: 01.02.2018
Modelling a real-time ECU using MPS and mbeddr.
Done by Reema Thakur
Done as Research project
Start: 01.09.2016
End: 20.02.2017
Dependability modeling with fuzzy structure formulas
Responsible: Peter Tröger
Done by Christine Jakobs
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 06.07.2015
End: 17.12.2015
Implementation of the Global Physical Time for the Domain Model of the VirtualPath of the DLR Hand-Arm System
Responsible: Matthias Werner
Done by Jafar Akhundov
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 11.07.2013
End: 29.08.2013
Fault Tolerance in Automotive
This seminar focusses on fault tolerance mechanisms discussed in current research publications related to the automotive area. The question is which mechanisms are used and in which context.
Done by Georg Seerig
Done as Research seminar
Start: 07.10.2022
End: 30.01.2022
The TLA Theorem Solver
Done by Clemens Degenhardt
Done as Advanced seminar
Start: 21.04.2023
End: 01.09.2023
Safety-critical - Definition and Properties
This seminar focusses on the definition of the term safety-critical. How is it defined in literature? Where do the authors focus on and what properties and metrics are used.
Done by Felix Bachmann
Done as Advanced seminar
Start: 18.10.2022
End: 07.04.2023
Distributed Constraint Solving for DiAO
Responsible: Matthias Werner
Done by Martin Richter
Done as Research project
Start: 24.10.2018
End: 29.05.2019
Umsetzung von Programmierparadigmen der Objektorientierung zur Realisierung von Function-as-a-Service Systemen mit Microservices
Responsible: Marcus Hilbrich
Micro Services lag abstraction methods. E.g, In case multiple services are needed to process a single transaction, the concept of the transaction is not really present in the code of the services. In a first step a tool was created and evaluated to allow to write the transaction as an object oriented like class and generate services based on the methods of the class. This is not yet a general solution and needs extensions. 1) using a more general programming language (e.G. Java) 2) support additional OO concepts (generalization, polymorphy, …) 3) stronger evaluation 4) multi language support 5) multi Cloud support
Done by Stefan Staude
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 22.09.2019
End: 23.02.2020
Discover and Analysis of architectural patterns in open source projects
Responsible: Marcus Hilbrich
Using architectural patterns is a valuable strategy to increase the quality of software. Architectural patterns can be cousin explicitly or can be enforced by developer environments. Your task is to identify architectural patterns in open source Android applications and analyze whether the patterns are used explicit or implicit.
Done by Ehsan Fanic
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 22.04.2019
End: 23.09.2019
Discover and Analysis of architectural patterns in open source projects
Responsible: Marcus Hilbrich
Using architectural patterns is a valuable strategy to increase the quality of software. Architectural patterns can be cousin explicitly or can be enforced by developer environments. Your task is to identify architectural patterns in open source Android applications and analyze whether the patterns are used explicit or implicit.
Done by Marcel Müller
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 06.05.2019
End: 26.11.2019
Erstellung einer Taxonomie der Einflussfaktoren auf die Softwarearchitektur
Responsible: Marcus Hilbrich
Done by Maximilian Teich
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 22.07.2019
End: 26.11.2019
Evaluation of simulation tools for hybrid automata and extension for LTIHA
Responsible: Antonia Reißner
Three simulation tools shall be compared and one of them chosen. For the chosen simulation tool a plug-in for linear time-invariant hybrid automata shall be written.
Done by Florian Jurklies
Done as Bachelor thesis
Start: 14.08.2019
End: 30.01.2020
Analysis of Tools for Model-Checking
Model-checker and proof systems are commonly used tools to support automatic analysis of formal models. The task is to evaluate two of those tools for a given use case and support the analysis by an example
Done by Alina Walzel
Done as Bachelor thesis
Start: 12.04.2023
End: 01.12.2023
Development and Performance Analysis of an OpenACC-based Fast Multipole Method
Responsible: Laura Morgenstern
Research objective is the development and performance analysis of an OpenACC-based Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for the computation of electrostatical interactions in moleculardynamic simulations. The project is based on FMSolvr, a parallel C++ implementation of an FMM. Subsequently, the developed OpenACC-version of FMSolvr shall be analyzed with regard to potential performance optimizations. Furthermore, diverse parallelization strategies and parameter sets could be developed and compared against each other.
Done by Theresa Werner
Done as Research project
Start: 01.07.2021
End: 22.07.1900
Hybrid Testbeds for Educational Purposed - Design of a Computer Science Lab for Master Students
Cooperative master thesis with the professorship for operating systems and middleware of Prof. Polze at HPI. The aim is to analyze the impairments for hybrid computer science labs and to transfer an already existing lab into a hybrid one.
Done by Julia Scharsich
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 23.02.2021
End: 04.04.2022
RoboCup - Simulators
Responsible: Martin Richter
Since 1997 the RoboCup (Robot Soccer World Cup) is held, where different teams of researchers and students are competing in numerous leagues. A game of robot soccer is always played between two equally sized sets of robots, ranging from five to eleven robots per team. Depending on the league, the game is either simulated or conducted physically with real robots. If the game is simulated (i.e., in the 2D-simulation and 3D-simulation leagues), a soccer simulation platform is utilized. Your task will be to review the current simulation platform (either 2D or 3D), used in the RoboCup.
Done by Paul Kapitän und Martin Ziesche
Done as Proseminar
Start: 13.09.2022
End: 13.03.2023
Heuristic Risk Treatment with TLA+
Done by Albrecht Stoye
Done as Research project
Start: 19.05.2022
End: 07.04.2023
Formal Modeling of Meta-Functional Properties of the RaSTA Protocol
Responsible: Billy Naumann
Done by Jonas Henschel
Done as Masters thesis
Start: 01.07.2022
End: 13.12.2022
Component Risk Analysis for Automotive Systems
The focus of the research internship is on the implementation of the developed component security risk analysis method. Therefore, the student gets the method description and relevant input data. The task is to read and understand the method description and implement the method in a proper programming language, e.g., Python. The research part of the task consists of researching appropriate implementation schemes and missing information for the technique.
Done by Louis Heyne
Done as Research project
Start: 25.10.2022
End: 07.04.2023