
Operating Systems Group
Operating Systems Group

High integration of software in dynamic vehicle environments

Highly integrated software components are increasingly important for future projects in the automotive industry. Established approaches such as AUTOSAR are inappropriate for their realization, since multiple requirements must be fulfilled at the same time:
  • Isolation of running components for security and reliability
  • Integration of components for efficient usage of hardware resources
  • Interaction of running software components with real-time guarantess, both in the local and the remote case
  • Update of single software components without the neccessity for whole-system updates
  • Standardized, extensible and backward-compatible function collections for component developers
  • Support for directly accessing locally attached hardware from isolated components
  • Global monitoring of the distributed software architecture
In cooperation with Audi Electronics Venture GmbH , we are working on the design and implementation of an runtime environment that supports the balanced fulfillment of all these requirements.

  1. Christine Jakobs, Peter Tröger, Matthias Werner, Philipp Mundhenk, Karsten Schmidt, "Dynamic Vehicle Software with AUTOCONT", in Proceedings of the 55th Annual Design Automation Conference, 101:1-101:6, 2018 
  2. Christine Jakobs, Peter Tröger, Matthias Werner, Philipp Mundhenk, Karsten Schmidt, "Dynamic vehicle software with AUTOCONT", in 2018 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 1-6, 2018 

  3. 2017

  4. Christine Jakobs, Peter Tröger, "Quo vadis, AUTOSAR?", in INFORMATIK 2017, 1475 - 1486, 2017 
