Models and Runtime Environments for Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems consist of heterogeneous mobile execution units which interact with their environment via sensors and actuators. Therefore, a coupling between the digital application and the physical world emerges. Due to this interface, the programmer has to give priority to topics like real-time capability, location and motion awareness, heterogeneity, and distribution.
Classic approaches provide interfaces to the programmer for the abstraction from the distribution of the system. Here the heterogeneity and mobility of the system is hidden from the programmer. However, both properties are essential for cyber-physical systems, as a desired interaction with the physical environment imposes requirements on the capabilities and positions of the execution units.
New programming models shall abstract from the complexity of the location and motion dependent interaction between heterogeneous execution units and their environment. Additionally, they shall grant guarantees for the correct execution of the application. This allows the developer to fully concentrate on the desired system behaviour.
- Martin Richter, Reinhardt Karnapke, Matthias Werner, "Utilizing Sensor and Actuator Virtualization to Achieve a Systemic View of Mobile Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems", in , 2024 @inproceedings{Richter:sensor-actuator-virtualization:2024,
title = {Utilizing Sensor and Actuator Virtualization to Achieve a Systemic View of Mobile Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems},
author = {Martin Richter, Reinhardt Karnapke, Matthias Werner},
year = {2024},
month = jul,
location = {Dijon, France},
keywords = {proj_dimos, cyberps},
- Martin Richter, "Vom einzelnen Roboter zum Schwarm: Ganzheitliche Programmierung von Gruppen unterschiedlicher Roboter", 2024
title = {Vom einzelnen Roboter zum Schwarm: Ganzheitliche Programmierung von Gruppen unterschiedlicher Roboter},
author = {Martin Richter},
year = {2024},
month = jun,
day = {},
location = {Chemnitz, Germany},
keywords = {proj_dimos, cyberps},
howpublished = {Talk at the RoboDay 2024.}
- Martin Richter, Reinhardt Karnapke, Matthias Werner, "Presentation: Virtualization in Robot Swarms: Past, Present, and Future", 2024
title = {Presentation: Virtualization in Robot Swarms: Past, Present, and Future},
author = {Martin Richter, Reinhardt Karnapke, Matthias Werner},
year = {2024},
month = jan,
day = {},
location = {Las Vegas, NV, USA},
keywords = {proj_dimos, cyberps},
howpublished = {Talk at the RoboComm Workshop 2024.}
- Martin Richter, Christine Jakobs, Theresa Werner, Matthias Werner, "Using Environmental Contexts to Model Restrictions of Sensor Capabilities", in The Seventeenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Services and Technologies, 7-12, 2023 @inproceedings{Richter:2023:UBICOMM,
author = {Martin Richter and Christine Jakobs and Theresa Werner and Matthias Werner},
title = {Using Environmental Contexts to Model Restrictions of Sensor Capabilities},
year = {2023},
isbn = {978-1-68558-106-0},
booktitle = {The Seventeenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Services and Technologies},
pages = {7-12},
keywords = {proj_dimos cyberps},
location = {Porto, Portugal},
series = {UBICOMM 2023}
- Martin Richter, Theresa Werner, Matthias Werner, "A Programming Model for Heterogeneous CPS from the Physical Point of View", in The Sixteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Services and Technologies, 1-6, 2022 @inproceedings{Richter:2022:UBICOMM,
author = {Martin Richter and Theresa Werner and Matthias Werner},
title = {A Programming Model for Heterogeneous CPS from the Physical Point of View},
year = {2022},
isbn = {9781612089898},
booktitle = {The Sixteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Services and Technologies},
pages = {1-6},
keywords = {proj_dimos cyberps},
location = {Valencia, Spain},
series = {UBICOMM 2022}
- Martin Richter, Christine Jakobs, Matthias Werner, "Programmiermodelle für Mobile Cyber-physische Systeme", 2021
title = {Programmiermodelle für Mobile Cyber-physische Systeme},
author = {Martin Richter, Christine Jakobs, Matthias Werner},
year = {2021},
month = sep,
day = {},
location = {Chemnitz, Germany},
keywords = {proj_dimos, cyberps},
howpublished = {Talk at the meeting of section operating systems of GI}
- Martin Richter, Christine Jakobs, Matthias Werner, "The Need of Proper Programming Models for CPS", in The Fourteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Services and Technologies, 51 - 56, 2020 @inproceedings{Richter:2020:UBICOMM,
author = {Martin Richter and Christine Jakobs and Matthias Werner},
title = {The Need of Proper Programming Models for CPS},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781612088112},
booktitle = {The Fourteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Services and Technologies},
pages = {51 - 56},
keywords = {proj_dimos cyberps},
location = {Nice, France},
series = {UBICOMM 2020}
- Martin Richter, "Unterstützung mobiler Anwendungen mit verteilten aktiven Objekten", 2018
title = {Unterstützung mobiler Anwendungen mit verteilten aktiven Objekten},
author = {Martin Richter},
year = {2018},
month = mar,
day = {},
location = {Hannover, Germany},
keywords = {proj_dimos, cyberps},
howpublished = {Talk at the meeting of section operating systems of GI}
- Martin Richter, "Mobilität und Verteiltheit in Barrelfish", 2018
- Martin Richter, "Distributed Active Objects (DiAO) - Ein Programmierparadigma für mobile verteilte Systeme", 2017
title = {Distributed Active Objects (DiAO) - Ein Programmierparadigma für mobile verteilte Systeme},
author = {Martin Richter},
year = {2017},
month = nov,
day = {},
location = {Laubusch, Germany},
keywords = {proj_dimos, cyberps},
howpublished = {Talk at the IBS Drone Workshop}
- Peter Tröger, Christine Jakobs, Thomas Jakobs, Matthias Werner, "Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems with Interpreted Operating System Kernels", in 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 26-29, 2016 @inproceedings{TrJaJaWe:InterpretedOS:2016,
title = {Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems with Interpreted Operating System Kernels},
author = {Peter Tröger and Christine Jakobs and Thomas Jakobs and Matthias Werner},
booktitle = {5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)},
year = {2016},
pages = {26--29},
isbn = {978-9940-9436-6-0},
location = {Bar, Montenegro},
keywords = {operatingsys cyberps pyos}
- Christine Jakobs, "Talk: Cyber-physical operating systems - What are the right abstractions?", 2015
- Christine Jakobs, "Ein Datenmodell zur Beschreibung der Faehigkeiten heterogener Robotersysteme", 2015
title = {Ein Datenmodell zur Beschreibung der Faehigkeiten heterogener Robotersysteme},
author = {Christine Jakobs},
year = {2015},
month = mar,
day = {06},
location = {Chemnitz, Germany},
keywords = {cyberps},
howpublished = {Talk at the meeting of section operating systems of GI}
- Peter Tröger, Matthias Werner, Jan Richling, "Cyber-physical operating systems - What are the right abstractions?", in 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 13-17, 2015 @inproceedings{TrWeRi:CyberPhysicalOS:2015,
title = {Cyber-physical operating systems - What are the right abstractions?},
author = {Peter Tröger and Matthias Werner and Jan Richling},
booktitle = {4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)},
year = {2015},
pages = {13--17},
isbn = {978-1-4799-8999-7},
location = {Budva, Montenegro},
keywords = {operatingsys cyberps}
- Daniel Graff, Jan Richling, Matthias Werner, "jSwarm: Distributed Coordination in Robot Swarms", in Robotic Sensor Networks (RSN 2014), 2014 @inproceedings{GrRiWel:jSwarm:2014,
title = {{jSwarm: Distributed Coordination in Robot Swarms}},
author = {Daniel Graff and Jan Richling and Matthias Werner},
booktitle = {Robotic Sensor Networks (RSN 2014)},
year = 2014,
location = {Berlin, Germany},
month = {April},
url = {},
keywords = {cyberps proj_dimos}
- Matthias Werner, Mario Haustein (ed.), "Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste", TU Chemnitz, 2013
- Daniel Graff, Jan Richling, Matthias Werner, "Modeling Group Scheduling Problems in Space and Time by Timed Petri Nets", Fundamenta Informaticae, 122(2013)4, 297-313 @ARTICLE{GrRiWe:GroupScheduling:2013,
author = {Daniel Graff and Jan Richling and Matthias Werner},
title = {Modeling Group Scheduling Problems in Space and Time by Timed Petri Nets},
journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae},
year = {2013},
volume = {122},
pages = {297--313},
number = {4},
issn = {0169-2968},
keywords = {cyberps petrinet proj_dimos}
- Daniel Graff, Jan Richling, Matthias Werner, "Programming and Managing the Swarm - An Operating System for an Emerging System of Mobile Devices", in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, 9-16, 2013 @InProceedings{GrRiWe:ManagingSwarm:2013,
author = {Daniel Graff and Jan Richling and Matthias Werner},
title = {Programming and Managing the Swarm -- An Operating System for an Emerging System of Mobile Devices},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks},
year = 2013,
pages = {9--16},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
isbn = {978-0-7695-5159-3},
keywords = {proj_dimos cyberps}
- Matthias Werner, Andreas Löscher, Mario Haustein, Jan Richling, "Betriebssysteme für cyber-physische Systeme - Wie weit reichen die klassischen Abstraktionen?", in Cyber-Physical Systems - Enabling Multi-Nature Systems (CPMNS), 2012 @INPROCEEDINGS{WeLoHaRi:CPS-OS:2012,
author = {Matthias Werner and Andreas Löscher and Mario Haustein and Jan Richling},
title = {Betriebssysteme für cyber-physische Systeme -- Wie weit reichen die klassischen Abstraktionen?},
booktitle = {Cyber-Physical Systems -- Enabling Multi-Nature Systems (CPMNS)},
year = {2012},
keywords = {mobility operatingsys cyberps proj_dimos}
- Daniel Graff, Jan Richling, Tammo M. Stupp, Matthias Werner, "Context-Aware Annotations for Distributed Mobile Applications", in ARCS'11 Workshop Proceedings: Second Workshop on Context-Systems Design, Evaluation and Optimisation (CoSDEO 2011), 2011 @INPROCEEDINGS{GraEtAl:Annotations:2011,
author = {Daniel Graff and Jan Richling and Tammo M. Stupp and Matthias Werner},
title = {Context-Aware Annotations for Distributed Mobile Applications},
booktitle = {ARCS'11 Workshop Proceedings: Second Workshop on Context-Systems Design, Evaluation and Optimisation (CoSDEO 2011)},
year = {2011},
keywords = {mobility cyberps proj_dimos}
- Matthias Werner, Daniel Graff, Helge Parzyjegla, Jan Richling, "Verteilte aktive Objekte für verteilte mobile Systeme", in 7th KuVS-Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, 2011 @INPROCEEDINGS{WerEtAl:VerteilteAktiveObjekte:2011,
author = {Matthias Werner and Daniel Graff and Helge Parzyjegla and Jan Richling},
title = {Verteilte aktive Objekte für verteilte mobile Systeme},
booktitle = {7th KuVS-Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste},
year = {2011},
editor = {Alex Küpper and Jörg Roth},
publisher = {Logos},
isbn = {978-3-8325-2935-2},
keywords = {mobility architecture cyberps proj_dimos}
- Daniel Graff, Jan Richling, Tammo M. Stupp, Matthias Werner, "Distributed Active Objects - A Systemic Approach to Distributed Mobile Applications", in 8th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, 2011 @INPROCEEDINGS{GraEtAl:DiAO:2011,
author = {Daniel Graff and Jan Richling and Tammo M. Stupp and Matthias Werner},
title = {Distributed Active Objects - A Systemic Approach to Distributed Mobile Applications},
booktitle = {8th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems},
year = {2011},
keywords = {mobility cyberps proj_dimos}
- Daniel Graff, Tammo M. Stupp, Jan Richling, Matthias Werner, "Using Timed Petri Nets to Model Spatial-temporal Group Scheduling Problems", in Concurrency, Specification & Programming (CS&P) 2011, 2011 @INPROCEEDINGS{Gra:GroupScheduling:2011,
author = {Daniel Graff and Tammo M. Stupp and Jan Richling and Matthias Werner},
title = {Using Timed Petri Nets to Model Spatial-temporal Group Scheduling Problems},
booktitle = {Concurrency, Specification \& Programming (CS\&P) 2011},
year = {2011},
editor = {Marcin Szczuka and Ludwik Czaja and Andrzej Skowron and Magdalena Kacprzak},
isbn = {978-83-62582-06-8},
keywords = {operatingsys mobility cyberps petrinet proj_dimos}
- Matthias Werner, Jan Richling, "Programming Models for Distributed Mobile Systems", in Bretagne Saxe Symposium, 2010
- Matthias Werner, Jan Richling, Gero Mühl, "Two Abstractions for Distributed Systems of Mobile Nodes", in Seventh International Conference on Information Technology (ITNG 2010), 1219-1220, 2010 @INPROCEEDINGS{WeRiMu:SwarmsAndCostraints:2010,
author = {Matthias Werner and Jan Richling and Gero Mühl},
title = {Two Abstractions for Distributed Systems of Mobile Nodes},
booktitle = {Seventh International Conference on Information Technology (ITNG 2010)},
year = {2010},
pages = {1219--1220},
isbn = {978-1-4244-6270-4},
keywords = {concepts operatingsys mobility cyberps proj_dimos}
- Daniel Graff, Matthias Werner, Helge Parzyjegla, Jan Richling, Gero Mühl, "An Object-Oriented and Context-Aware Approach for Distributed Mobile Applications", in Workshop on Context-Systems Design, Evaluation and Optimisation (CoSDEO 2010) at ARCS 2010 - Architecture of Computing Systems, 191-200, 2010 @INPROCEEDINGS{GrEtAl:OOContext:2010,
author = {Daniel Graff and Matthias Werner and Helge Parzyjegla and Jan Richling and Gero Mühl},
title = {An Object-Oriented and Context-Aware Approach for Distributed Mobile Applications},
booktitle = {Workshop on Context-Systems Design, Evaluation and Optimisation (CoSDEO 2010) at ARCS 2010 - Architecture of Computing Systems},
year = {2010},
pages = {191--200},
keywords = {operatingsys mobility cyberps proj_dimos}
- Matthias Werner, Jan Richling, Gero Mühl, "Abstraktionen für verteilte mobile Systeme", in Proceedings of the KuVS Workshop Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, 2009 @INPROCEEDINGS{WeRiMu:Abstractions:2009,
author = {Matthias Werner and Jan Richling and Gero Mühl},
title = {Abstraktionen für verteilte mobile Systeme},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the KuVS Workshop Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste},
year = {2009},
keywords = {model mobility operatingsys cyberps proj_dimos}
- Matthias Werner, "Editorial of Special Issue on Distributed and Self-organising Systems", Embedded and Self-Organizing Systems, (2009)
- Martin Däumler, Dirk Müller, Matthias Werner, "A Top-Down Approach for a Generic Programming Abstraction in Real Space-Time", Online-Journal: Eingebettete Selbstorganisierende Systeme, TU Chemnitz, (2009) @ARTICLE{DaMuWe:TopDown:2009,
author = {Martin Däumler and Dirk Müller and Matthias Werner},
title = {A Top-Down Approach for a Generic Programming Abstraction in Real Space-Time},
journal = {Online-Journal: Eingebettete Selbstorganisierende Systeme, TU Chemnitz},
year = {2009},
keywords = {mobility architecture operatingsys cyberps proj_dimos}
- Matthias Werner, Dirk Müller, Martin Däumler, Jan Richling and Gero Mühl, "Operating System Support for Distributed Applications in Real Space-Time", in Workshop on Autonomous and Autonomic Software-based Systems (ASBS) at the IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST), 469-478, 2008 @INPROCEEDINGS{WerEtAl:RealSpaceTime:2008,
author = {Matthias Werner and Dirk Müller and Martin Däumler and Jan Richling and Gero Mühl},
title = {Operating System Support for Distributed Applications in Real Space-Time},
booktitle = {Workshop on Autonomous and Autonomic Software-based Systems (ASBS) at the IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST)},
year = {2008},
editor = {R. Chbeir and Y. Badr and A. Abraham and D. Laurent and F. Ferri},
pages = {469-478},
isbn = {978-1-60558-046-3},
key = {a},
keywords = {concepts mobility architecture operatingsys cyberps proj_dimos}
- Matthias Werner, Jan Richling, Dirk Müller, Gero Mühl, "Towards a Holistic Approach for Distributed Real Space-Time Systems", in International Workshop on Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems at the 27th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 63-67, 2008 @INPROCEEDINGS{Wer:Holistic:2008,
author = {Matthias Werner and Jan Richling and Dirk Müller and Gero Mühl},
title = {Towards a Holistic Approach for Distributed Real Space-Time Systems},
booktitle = {International Workshop on Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems at the 27th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems},
year = {2008},
pages = {63-67},
keywords = {concepts mobility architecture realtime cyberps proj_dimos}
- Hans-Dieter Burkhard, M. Ritzschke, Matthias Werner, "The Humboldt Heroes: Controlling Sony Legged Robots using BDI", in RoboCup 99, 1999